Who We Are
Promoting 25 years of the very best of Indian music with a strong cultural bias.
With a strong heritage spanning over 25 years, Shruti Arts has become an important organisation promoting the very best of Indian music with a strong cultural bias. Established in 1983 in Leicester, it has pioneered ground-breaking music performances in the region.
Navratri has been the cornerstone of our activities for the past twenty fine years but few are aware that it's a small part of the much bigger picture that is now taking shape at Shruti Arts.
Raag-Rang, Taraana, Shruti Arts Music Academy, Summer Music School, Autumn Masterclasses and Baithak are many of the events that are now firmly etched on Shruti Arts’ annual calendar.
With a growing portfolio of work, the time has come to highlight some of the core activities and share with you our vision for the new, allen-compassing Shruti Arts and enthuse your passion for music.

Yogesh Joshi
Executive Director - Shruti Arts
Since taking the leadership role at Shruti Arts in 2014, I’ve led a restructuring of the organisation to reflect the wider viewpoint and respond to the changing musical and artistic landscape of the region and the influence of Indo-British music but wish to retain our cultural bias.
This has been reflected in our programming that focuses on community and culture, classical festivals featuring a new generation of artists and contemporary and popular music to reflect the wider public interest.
I’m keen to build bridges with our audiences, our patrons, well-wishers, past and present and those that continue to support our activities.
Shruti Arts is supported by a team who not only share in this vision but bring expertise to strengthen it. They are passionate about bringing innovation and creativity in all our work and a vibrant and contemporary approach to our aims and ambitions.